Livestock Auctions


Cattle Auctions Every Friday and First Saturday of Every Month.  Next Saturday auction-Saturday, March 1st at 11:00 am for pigs, goats, sheep and baby calves. Cattle auction at 1:00.  


We Have Livestock Sales Every Friday

— 12:00 start for pigs, goats, and sheep
— 1:00 start for cattle

Also on First Saturday of Every Month

— 11:00 start for pigs, goats, and sheep
— 1:00 start for cattle
Any questions, please call 360-748-3191.

Our commission rates and other deductions on livestock sales.

Commission Rates

Baby calves 6%  $5.00 minimum
Dairy cattle 5%  $18.50 minimum
Feeders/beef cattle 5%  $18.50 minimum
Slaughter cattle 5%  $18.50 minimum
Slaughter bulls 5%  $18.50 minimum
Hogs, sheep, goats 12.5%  $10.00 minimum
Horses 12.5%  $30.00 minimum


All animals $3.50 per head

No Sales

All animals $25.00 per head


All livestock sold at yard (Thurs. delivery) $5.00/ head per day
All livestock delivered before sale day or left over 3 days

(Owner of cattle responsible for any damages to barn)

$10.00/ head per day
Thursday deliveries $5.00/ head per day
Transient animals $20.00/ head per day

Brand Inspections

$1.21 per head if owner has own brand or RFID tag on animal or $4.00 per head if no brand or other brand or RFID tag.

Dead Cow Removal

$200.00 cow, per head /$50.00 calf/ $250-300.00 Large Cow or Bull

Beef Commission

$1.50 per head



We are open for cattle drop off on Thursdays from 10 am to 8 pm. Friday delivery starting at 8am. Cattle auction always starts at 1:00 pm. Please have a Wash State Transport (Haul Book) slip completed. Printing name, address and brief description of cattle. This is a 3 part form, after cattle are unloaded and back tag #’s applied, you will receive one copy back. This is your check in form. We have these available in office if you needed. A book of haul slips have 25 individual slips in them. The fee is $5 per book. Cattle are inspected by WA State Brand inspector and then sent to holding pens and/or sorted by size/sex before being sold.

Checks are mailed at end of day, or you are welcome to watch sale & pick up your check 30 minutes after your last cow sells.


This sale is located in small barn on south end of parking lot. This sale starts at noon on Fridays and 11 am on FIRST Saturday of every month. Please have WA State Transport (Haul Book) Slip completed. Print clearly please. You may purchase a book of 25 haul slips for $5. Delivery ONLY on sale day starting at 8 am. Scrapie Tags are required by the State of Washington in all goats and sheep. If you do not have your animals scrapie tagged we will do this for $5.00 per head. You may obtain your own scrapie tags through the state. Info in office or call 1-866-873-2824. Animals will have back tags applied and put in pens to sell. On Fridays the checks are available 30 min after animals sell, First Saturday of month sales checks will be available starting at 1 pm.

IMPORTANT: All out of state sellers of pigs, goats, sheep, horses, llamas and alpacas MUST have a current CVI (Certificate of Veterinary Inspection) from the state of origin accompanying your animals at drop off. We cannot accept them without a CVI inspection form per WSDA  rules.


Buyers must check in at the office and have current drivers license, or other form of photo ID.  The bidder # you receive is only good for that one sale day. All purchases must be paid for on sale day. We accept cash and bankable check ONLY. No credit or debit card for livestock purchases.


Our facility accepts cash and check only for livestock purchases-We DO NOT accept debit or credit cards. All purchases must be paid for on auction day, unless other arrangements have been made, prior to the purchase, with the office

Please pay attention to the auctioneer. Some animals are sold by the head, some are sold by the pound. Please note: If you are high bidder on an animal and are the winning bid, you must pay for the animal. Obtaining a bid # is a legal contract. After the purchase it is too late to be confused and need clarification on your purchase. Please ask office for help before you bid!

If you wish to have any vet work done on livestock you have purchased, it is important that you tell the auctioneer IMMEDIATELY when he reads your bid#, NOT after you’ve left the sale ring and are paying for the animal. A list of available vet work and pricing can be acquired from the office.

OUT OF STATE buyers must tell auctioneer they are out of state at the time of your purchase-it is required by the State of Washington that our veterinarian writes a certificate of Vet inspection on any cattle leaving Washington state. The fee is $50 per load (whether it be 1 head or 100) the price is still $50 for the certificate.

We prefer that all cattle are removed from yard on day of sale. If for some reason this is not possible, please notify the office upon paying for the animal(s). A feed charge of $5.00 per head per day will be added to your bill. Pigs/goats/sheep must be picked up on sale day. That barn is a day use only facility. No overnight pigs/goats or sheep.


If you buy a cow out of the slaughter pen and it is not going to a federally inspected slaughter facility, you must pay an after sale vet check to be sure that the animal has the proper vaccinations to leave the facilities. For example if you are buying a cow to go home to privately butcher or add to your herd, it will need a vet inspection. This fee varies from $15 to $40 per head.


We DO NOT set minimum prices on livestock. We do allow sellers the option to buy their animal back. To buy your animal back you MUST FOLLOW these steps:  You must be present at the auction and have signed in at the office as a registered bidder for the auction. You must then be an active bidder on the animal and WIN THE HIGH BID on your animal. You may then go to the office and let our staff know you have bought your animal back. The fee for this is a $25.00 ‘No Sale’ fee.  (If you are buying a horse back this fee is $100 per animal.) If any vet work has been done to your cattle, that amount will also need to be paid before you can pick up your animals.

Again- no credit cards are accepted for livestock, fees or vet services.


  • No smoking in building or within 25 feet of any structure (WA State Law)
  • No cameras or video
  • No dogs in the facility. We love dogs, but the one dog that lunges at a cow causing someone to be injured, is not worth the risk.
  • Children are allowed in café, lobby, and sale ring only when accompanied by an adult. No children on catwalk or near cattle pens.
  • Adult customers may view cattle by using catwalk.